Clean Sport

Leeds & Bradford Triathlon Club recognise that all athletes have the right to compete in sport knowing that they, and their competitors, are clean. LBT is dedicated to the clean sport mission. We are fully supportive of the testing of athletes in and out of competition both domestically and internationally and strive to protect the culture of clean sport. This is why LBT are following the British Triathlon Federation’s guidance on Clean Sport.

Our Clean Sport Commitment

To this end the LBT commits to support Clean Sport in the UK in the following ways:

  • LBT supports the mission of UKAD and WADA in achieving Clean Sport.
  • All athletes are expected to play, train and compete in line with the spirit of sport, including the Anti-Doping Rules.
  • All coaches and athlete support personnel are expected to perform their role in line with the spirit of sport, including the Anti-Doping Rules.
  • LBT is committed to supporting the prevention of doping behaviour in the UK in collaboration with other sporting bodies.
  • The committee, coaching ‘staff’ & volunteers will not condone, assist or in any way support the use of prohibited substances and methods (unless permitted by a Therapeutic Use Exemption) in any aspects of their work. Breaches of this will be acted upon accordingly.
  • The committee, coaching ‘staff’ & volunteers will be expected to contact UKAD should they become aware of an athlete or a member of a National Governing Body using or considering the usage of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. This contact should be done in confidence on the dedicated confidential Report Doping in Sport line.
  • LBT will uphold any sanctions placed upon an athlete by UK Anti-Doping or other associated body in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

BTF Support Clean Sport

British Triathlon is integral to sport in the UK as the National Governing Body for Triathlon in Great Britain. It is developing and implementing a comprehensive education programme for all aspiring and current Olympic and Paralympic triathletes and multisport team members as well as coaches and support personnel working across the performance pathway. Further details about UKAD and WADA can be found at and respectively.

Leeds And Bradford Triathlon Club