Here are the details of your current Committee members. The Committee is elected at the AGM in January each year and we rely on individuals to volunteer to keep the club running.
We positively encourage anyone who may be interested to put themselves forward for a Committee position as we are keen to renew some of the Committee members each year, and bring in fresh energy and ideas. If you are interested please talk to any Committee member, or email

Carl Akeroyd
When did you join LBT?
Not exactly sure, 2016 I think.
How much Tri experience do you have?
I’m no racing snake but I’ve done everything from Sprint to long course, I seem to have settled on Middle distance in terms of what I enjoy doing. I really only do events in nice interesting locations, so it’s generally only walkers, mountaineers and sheep that have to tolerate the sight of me in a Tri suit!
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
Easy – Open Water Swimming.
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
Don’t really have a single one, if the whole journey so far wasn’t full of them I wouldn’t still be doing it. Whether it’s racing or volunteering you certainly get out what you put in, in spades. For me it’s all about the journey, not just the finish.
Anything else you’d like to add?
As a club we are incredibly lucky to have access to incredible locations, facilities and coaching; whether you are just starting your triathlon journey or have been doing it for years our club has something to offer you. If you have the time please consider volunteering at an event or OWS session, without you we simply couldn’t run them.

Linda Lewis
Vice Chair & Social Secretary
When did you join LBT?
I joined LBT over a decade ago, so before 2012
How much Tri experience do you have?
I have very little actual Triathlon experience having only ever entered one. I really only joined LBT for the swimming – particularly the Open Water Swimming.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
Open Water Swimming!
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
~ Supporting my partner when he competed in the Castle Howard Triathlon
~ Volunteering at Ilkley Triathlon (our Club event)
~ Marshalling at the Junior Aquathlon. The kids are amazing, it is so inspiring to see.
Anything else you’d like to add?
My passions are cycling and Open Water Swimming. I have completed the Great North Swim on several occasions and various Epic Swims. I particularly enjoy organising the LBT summer BBQ/Supper down at the lake

Martin Stubbs
When did you join LBT?
I joined LBT in 2015, mainly so I could experience open water swimming.
How much Tri experience do you have?
I have done many triathlons over the last 9 years, starting with a sprint distance at Skipton in 2013, but mainly focussed on standard distance – I’m proud to say I competed in all 6 WTS event in Leeds. I have also done 2 middle distance events, but have no ambition to go further.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
As a session, I’d have to say Open Water Swim is my favourite. As an event, the triathlon relays are great fun, as are the spring and autumn bike weekends.
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
I was lucky enough to qualify for the GB age group team in 2018 and competed in the World Championships, on the Gold Coast, in Australia. What an experience, what an honour.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Triathlon is a wonderful, inclusive sport – it’s a really friendly and welcoming community where elite and non- elite can compete together. I have also found training for triathlon helps prevent injury. You can’t do too much of any one sport, so reducing the risk of over-use injuries – those that become all too common as our bodies age.

Andy Norman
When did you join LBT?
Feb 2014 and I joined the committee in 2018.
How much Tri experience do you have?
My main sports is endurance trail running and I started triathlon in 2014 in order to mix up my training. My swimming needs a lot of work and I’m not a very experienced or confident cyclist. I can run a long way slowly though. I don’t enter many Tri events but have had a go at everything from GoTri & Duathlons through to a couple of Iron distance events.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
Open water swimming at the lake in Otley is my favourite by far. I love the West Yorkshire Winter League cross-country too, but run for Pudsey Pacers rather than LBT!
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
Swimming in Kielder Water at 6am on a misty June morning at the start of Kielder Iron Distance Triathlon. The magic was only spoilt by the swarms of midges.

Louise Hanley
Head Coach & Junior's Rep
When did you join LBT?
2003 as a complete novice!
How much Tri experience do you have?
Quite a lot now having done triathlon for nearly 20 years! All distances and raced competitively nationally and internationally in Triathlon and Xtri /Xterra (off-road) and have gained UK/European titles and medals at Worlds. I enjoy doing all sorts of events and variations of related to swimming, running and biking.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
When I first joined the club, my swimming needed a lot of work…so was a regular at swim sessions . Now as a coach, I rarely participate in sessions but enjoy a swim at the Lake. I’ve enjoyed meeting lots of like minded folk who became training /exercise buddies and very good friends!
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
Oooh, so many tales to tell ! Some are funny, some are painful but most are memories of the sense of achievement.

Andrew Willis
Membership Secretary
When did you join LBT?
I’ve been a member since 2019.
How much Tri experience do you have?
I’ve raced triathlons and duathlons since about 2017.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
Before Covid I enjoyed Sunday night at The Edge. Enjoy virtual turbo now.
What’s you best Triathlon memory?
Finishing any swim!
Anything else you’d like to add?
I think the club is great for all levels.

Fiona Hoare
Welfare Officer
When did you join LBT?
Probably 15 years ago …. I can’t really remember.
How much Tri experience do you have?
I’ve been in the triathlon world on and off for nearly 40 years, my first triathlon was in Durham and we had mixed changing / showers because only a handful of women competed and the organisers probably weren’t expecting any women to turn up..
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
I have to say that my favourite event is working at Ilkley Triathlon, it’s a great way of meeting old and new friends. Great atmosphere and location.
What’s you best Triathlon memory?
Difficult as been around for so long… many years ago I was very briefly the lead runner in the Airborough Long Distance triathlon and I had a police motorbike rider escort… lasted about 5 mins. In more recent times it’s been taking triathlon out into the community and seeing the excitement and sense of achievement on someone’s’ face when they’ve learn to ride a bike.
Triathlon is a fun sport, when the going gets tough … try and smile

Steve Coy
Youth's Rep
When did you join LBT?
Good question, I think summer 2008 for open water swimming.
How much Tri experience do you have?
Been completing or competing since 2008 across all distances, having a GB Age Group spot for Sprint and Olympic distance and qualifying for the 70.3 World Champs too.
Since 2012 I have been a coach too, firstly with the Juniors (under 14s), during which time I was also Race Director for the LBT Junior Aquathlon for a few years and now am head coach for the Youths (14-18) and am a Level 3 BTF coach, qualifying in 2020.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
Open water swims and being involved in Ilkley triathlon as a volunteer and/or participating.
What’s you best Triathlon memory?
Two for me. Swimming to shore from Alcatraz sighting the San Francisco skyline, in 2012 and entering the stadium at the end of Challenge Roth in 2016.

Neil Holloway
Communications Officer
When did you join LBT?
Feburary 2012
How much Tri experience do you have?
I’ve been doing several events a year since joining the club. I enjoy the variety in the sport and fact you get to do lots of different types of training but it all helps. I do duathlons, hill climbs, trail runs, cycling sportives, go swimming in the river, and of course triathlons from small club run events to the big ITU Leeds Festival of Triathlon.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
I enjoy the parkrun league where we all get together once a month and complete a local event then go for a coffee and a chat in the café afterwards. It’s always nice for what is essentially an individual sport for everyone to come together. It’s got the added benefit of a bit of competitive fun as well.
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
Completing the London Classics with club mates on a beautifully hot sunny day with a 2 mile swim at the Serpentine in Hyde Park. It completed the set of the London Marathon and Ride London which I’d done previously.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I took my first steps into coaching in 2019 and have now qualified as a level 2 coach, so you might see me at a session with a whistle in my mouth. My proudest moment in the club was being voted LBT club person of the year in 2016 and 2017. I’m also the unofficial LBT golf champion!

Nicky Roughton
Kit Manager
When did you join LBT?
2011, I think!
How much Tri experience do you have?
I’ve done a few Sprints, Olympics & Halfs and a couple of Ironman.
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
I enjoy swim training with LBT at Holt Park Active.
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
Completing the Ironman Vichy, my first Ironman.

Stephen Birss
General Member
When did you join LBT?
I joined in 2018, mainly to take part in open water swimming.
How much Tri experience do you have?
I have only competed in 1 triathlon event, Ilkley Tri 2023! I have taken part in a few relay teams, being a swimmer, I seemed to get asked quite a lot! However, I quite often go for a cycle then when I get home take our dog for a run, does that count? I am aiming to do some more events over the next few years with the aim of doing an Ironman before I’m 60!
Which LBT events do you enjoy most?
Open water swimming, love it. As a child I spent many, many hours bashing up and down my local swimming pool, and now I just don’t enjoy it, but the freedom open water swimming gives you, I just think is magical.
What’s your best Triathlon memory?
Taking part.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Sport is for everyone regardless of what level you are and it should be enjoyed not endured. What I love about triathlons is that it does not matter what level you are at in any of the disciplines, there is someone to enjoy it with.

Role Available
Social Media Secretary
We positively encourage anyone who may be interested to put themselves forward for a Committee position as we are keen to renew some of the Committee members each year, and bring in fresh energy and ideas. If you are interested please talk to any Committee member, or email